Saturday, December 14, 2013

Columbus, New Mexico

The Columbus Museum

The sleepy village of Columbus was the site of the second invasion of the United States by another country. During rising tensions between the US and Mexico in 1916, Pancho Villa and his Villistas crossed the border, just three miles away and attacked Columbus.  Troops at nearby Camp Furlong were slow to respond.  After an hour, US troops responded with withering fire and  the Mexicans retreated.

President Woodrow Wilson sent General John "Black Jack" Pershing and 10,000 troops to Columbus. Based from Camp Furlong, US troops crossed into Mexico, engaged Mexican troops in an effort to capture Pancho Villa and Villistas to bring them to justice.  After 10 months, President Wilson ordered General Pershing and the troops to leave Mexico.

The Tumbleweed Theatre
on Broadway


The Old Jail

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