Friday, December 20, 2013

Gomtuu does PM on his Starship and Shuttlecraft

Today was preventative maintenance day for the RV and the Jeep. Gomtuu likes to think of his RV and Jeep as his Starship and Shuttle Craft.  I usually do it myself but today my travelling buddy Gomtuu said he wanted to have some fun too so he ended up doing most of the fluids checks. I helped a little....

First the Starship (RV):

First I opened the RV's engine compartment for him and he flew up and perched next to the oil dipstick. He checked the oil level and it was fine.

Now he is looking at the coolant level window and he sees the level is right there... all OK here!

Gomtuu next checked the Air Filter Gauge and it was fine.

He didn't think it was necessary to check the Tranny fluid, best to check this when it's hot.

Then we went to the front of the RV and opened that compartment. The Window Wash fluid was a little low so he filled that.

Now for the Shuttlecraft (Jeep)!

Check the oil? It's right on the "full" mark.

Check the Power Steering fluid? It's fine.

Check the Window Wash? Whoa, that's pretty low, better fill 'er up.

Now the Engine Coolant. Hmmm, needs a little top off so we filled it to the full line. I helped.

Check the brake fluid.. Good, it's full. He loves the plastic reservoirs that you can see through so you don't need a dip stick.

Now the work is done and every guy knows what to do next.... Beer, Nuts, TV, Recliner.. AAHHHHH!


  1. Eric, that is so cute. Love it!! ~~ At CARE, we will enjoy our Christmas party this evening. ~~ Wishing you and Ginny a very Merry Christmas!!

  2. Hi Guys! We are really enjoying your trip vicariously. Don't get to read blog every day. We're hoping you got to visit a date plantation while you were near Yuma. The date milkshakes are out of this world (must be from Marfa!). Have a wonderful holiday season and continue your safe travels.
    Love, Carol and John
