Friday, December 20, 2013

Driving a Loop Trail off of Route 90 in Arizona

Eric asked around and got a hand written map of a loop trail off of Route 90, near Kartchner Caverns State Park.  He was told that this trail is for 4 wheel drive vehicles and ATVs.  No problem, we've got a Jeep
and those beefier tires are living up to my expectations.

We rumble along...

I think we're driving
up a wash.

This is an easy section
to drive.

Cows enjoy the shade.

Someone drove all the
way out here to dump
a stove.

The mountains get

These cattle graze next
to the road.

Cow gates keep the cows
in confined areas.

At one time, this section of
the road was paved.

Rushing water washed
most of the road bed away.

I close the last gate as
Eric approaches Route 90.

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