Saturday, December 7, 2013

Black Gap Road in Big Bend National Park

We are about to turn
onto Black Gap Road.

Black Gap Road is the
toughest primitive road in
Big Bend National Park.

This road is not

Our Park Host, Wayne, told us that people have spent $1,200.00 to have their vehicle towed off this road.

Eric just drove down a
2 foot "step."

Off-roaders put down rocks
to make it a "ramp."

This is an easy section
of road.

This boulder was "dropped"
on a gravely slope.

The road is narrow here.

Just past the door is
a drop off.

Eric eats his sandwich
for lunch.

I stand around trying
to look cool.

1 comment:

  1. My wife &I went down black gap road after we could nut turn around, both in our 70s. It was nerve racking, we made some rock steps in places. We were in Suzuki Vatari 4X4 . I am a retired peace officer so have had some wilderness experience. Would do it again with a 2 or maybe 3 vehicles together if something broke. Would not do it again by oiurselves. We thanked God for guiding & protecting us, & were very thankfully when we got back..It was a beautiful trip, but very scary in placeses.
