Sunday, October 6, 2013

Jasmine Thai Restaurant in Rotterdam New York

Jasmine Thai Restaurant
on Broadway in Rotterdam
opened in April, 2013.

Thai food in Rotterdam,

I like the way the
tables are set.

Eric is checking out the
extensive menu.

This picture is hung
near our table.

Kawee, our waiter, showed us the lunch menu....  Let's see what he recommends.

The Thai Tea comes with a
rose topping the straw.

Eric liked the flavor,
it was different.

KaWe placed our orders and chatted while we listened to restful music.

Pot Stickers for me


Eric had Red Curry with
Chicken for lunch

The appetizers were flavorful.  We liked the fresh vegetables and the chicken was so tender!

Fried Bananas with
Vanilla Ice Cream for
dessert.... Yum!

Here we are with Kawee

Eric and I were delighted with our lunch.  We spoke with Kawee about how the business is going... It's growing and he'd be happy to see more customers.   Kawee, wishing you and the rest of the staff much success!

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