Monday, October 7, 2013

Ice Cream at Bumpy's Polar Freeze on State Street in Schenectady, New York

Our son, Adam, gave us a coupon for Bumpy's Polar Freeze on upper State Street in Schenectady.  It was a chilly, October day and yet, we heard the call of ice cream and
made a visit.

There are so many
choices here!

Anthony pointed out the
 Tuesday Special...

Bring in a banana & get your 
Banana Split at half price.

Doreen & Anthony wait
for their ice cream.

I like the sign telling people
not to play in the mulch.

Jerry, Doreen & Eric

Ice cream's great, even on a
cool, cloudy day.

Thanks Adam, for giving me the ice cream coupon.  I wish you could have joined us!

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