Sunday, January 14, 2024

Yuma, Arizona's City Hall History: Its Record Breaking Airplane, & Fueling Carmost

Yuma City Hall has unique historic displays.

Eric & I visited to 
explore some history.

Walk in & look up...

started its 90,000 mile 
non stop flight on
August 24,1949.
Photo from the second floor...

Woody Jongeward & copilot
Bob Woodward spent 47 days
in the air to complete their
record breaking flight.

The Yuma Jaycees wanted to demonstrate Yuma's near perfect flying weather and promote what the City has to offer.

The Group convinced the
Military to reopen the Air
Base that was closed after
World War II for the
record breaking attempt.

How were they able to refuel this non stop flight?

The straight Military Runways
were essential to lining up the
Refueling Car beneath the
plane to hand up Gas Cans.

This 1948 Oldsmobile 
Convertible is the 
Refueling Vehicle. 

The Flight was sponsored by 
Griffen Buick, 76 Union Oil,
& Jongeward Electronic 

The record breaking Flight landed on October 10, 1949 - after 1,124 hours, 14 minutes, and five minutes aloft. 

Yuma celebrated the feat,
the Pilots & Refueling

Yuma's record breaking Flight was picked up in newspapers across the Country and the Jaycee's efforts helped bring reopen the Air Base. 

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