Saturday, October 14, 2023

Watching the Annular Eclipse in Midland, Texas

Getting Ready for the

Shirts on...

Eric covered the lenses of our
Cell Phones, Binoculars, & my
Camera with custom-fitted
Solar Filter Sheets.

He also bought Solar Eclipse
Glasses for us to wear.

Eric tests out his binoculars
before the Annular
Eclipse starts.

The Sun before the Moon's
shadow moves across it.

The Moon is moving in
front of the Sun.

The blue is light intrusion through a small gap on my Lens Cover that allows some light in.

The Moon continues its
path in front of the Sun.

The Sun continues to
"shrink" as the Eclipse

These shots are wonderful
because of Eric's preparations.

Full Annular Eclipse...

The Ring of Fire!

The Moon's path continues
across the Sun.

The top Crescent grows

... & larger...

... & larger...

This has been an 
amazing experience.

Eric planned our trip to
Midland two years ago.

He carefully researched
RV Parks to ensure we
would have a perfect
Eclipse Viewing Spot.

I take pictures three minutes

... as the Annular Eclipse
comes to an end.  

The Eclipse has ended.

It was amazing!

Thank you, Eric, for all the planning that went into this unforgettable trip to Midland.

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