Thursday, October 12, 2023

Eric & I Drive Southeast to Midland, Texas

The Staff At The Valley of Fires
Thank You For Your Visit 
Please Come Again

Driving East on

Eric & I drive past Smokey

My first sighting of
colorful fall leaves

An Amish Horse & Buggy
Warning Sign

escaped from in Lincoln
 on April 28, 1881

An abandoned building 

This road has lots of

We are now driving

Welcome to Roswell

I think these are Pecan

We join a line waiting for a
Pilot Car in a Construction

Eric tells me that this type of
road work is Hot In-Place 

The fire generated by this piece
of equipment melts the Asphalt.

The original Asphalt is heated up, removed from the roadway, and transferred into a "hopper," where it is sprayed with Liquid Asphalt.  It is then moved to a Spreader which distributes the mix onto the old road surface at a predetermined thickness.  A Roller compacts the new layer of Asphalt.  (A timelapse video of this Road Construction process)

According to Road Construction websites, this is an economical way to replace a road surface.

We return to the newly
recycled Asphalt lane.

The Pilot car will turn around & guide westbound drivers through the Construction Area.

The Welcome to Texas
sign has lots of stickers
added by travelers.

Entering Central 

Eric Takes a picture of me
driving with an Oil Derrick
in the background,

An Oil Refinery

The smell of Petroleum
hangs in the air...

Welcome to Seminole

#1 Oil Producer
#1 Cotton Producer 
#1 Peanut Producer
#1 People Anywhere

Driving South on

Water mirages ahead...

Exiting to Farm to Market
 Road 1788, toward the

Midland's L is an
Feel The Energy

Eric & I arrive at
Lucky Star RV Park.

We are here to see the Annular Eclipse on Saturday, October 14th.  Can't wait!

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