Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Watching Grizzly Bears in the Yukon Territory

Seventeen miles north of
Burwash Landing, Eric & I
come across three stopped RVs.

I was hoping to see just one
during our trip to Alaska.

A truck speeds past & the
large bear stands up.

That is one very LARGE bear.

Returning to all four feet,
the Grizzly bear lopes a few
paces before turning back.

I wonder if we'll see
intimate activity.

No luck.

The larger bear is alert to the
smaller bear's every movement.

The smaller bear's fur
is shaggy looking.

The two Grizzly Bears pace
back & forth along the
roadway, nibbling on grasses.

Eventually, they lumber
into the brush.

Our time here is done.  It's time to continue our drive to Tok, Alaska.

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