Monday, June 30, 2014

Walking Around Dawson City, Yukon Territory

The Dempster Highway & West

The SS Keno represents the
paddle wheel boats that plied
the Yukon River during
the Gold Rush.

I LOVE this lavender house
with purple trim.

Other than Front Street, all the other streets in Dawson City are dirt.  There are wooden sidewalks along most of the streets.  Hiking boots worked best for me.  I wore a pair of sneakers one rainy afternoon and they were a mess!

The Dawson Hardware Company

Klondike Cream & Candy

This house charms me.

The Bunk House is my
favorite building.

Robert Service, the Bard of
the Yukon lived here from
1909 to 1912.

Just up the street is the

The Palace Grand Theater

The Dawson City Community
Library has free one hour
internet access.

The Klondike Spirit is setting
off for a 1.5 hour cruise.

St. Paul's Anglican Church

The Commissioner's Residence,
built in 1902 housed the Royal
Mounted Police Superintendent
until around 1940.

The former Territorial Courthouse
was built in 1901

I'm standing in front of the

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