Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Bear Creek Winery in Homer, Alaska

Eric and I drove to Bear Creek Road to visit Bear Creek Winery & Lodging.  We last went to wine tastings in Napa Valley and Winters, California in March.

Bears enjoying wine in a
hot tub greet us.

The tasting room is in
a charming building.

Visitors are invited to
"wine a bit."

We taste fruit wines made with
grapes grown elsewhere.

Alaska is not warm enough
long enough to grow grapes.

Several of the wines made here include rhubarb, which is grown on the property.  Local berry growers provide berries for other wines.

Our tasting fee was deducted
from our wine purchase.

Eric bought a bottle of

And yes, we picked up
a few souvenirs.

I got a tour of the wine making

Wine is made here in small
The newly built wine cellar.

Oh, wine tasting... I missed you sooo much.  The wines at Bear Creek Winery are very tasty.  I'm so glad we made came here.

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