Friday, June 20, 2014

A Late Lunch at Captain Pattie's Fish House on Homer Spit

We returned to Homer Spit
to eat at Captain Pattie's 
Fish House.

Captain Pattie's has several
dining rooms.

I like late lunches.

Restaurants are quieter &
I feel less rushed than at
lunch time watching people
line up for tables.

Eric picked up a Captain Pattie's
flier for our friends, Dave & Kathy.

Captain Pattie's has a nice
selection of wines & beers.

 Riesling to go with my
 Fried Haddock.

Our table top is a Bathymetric Map.  Mariners of all types use this type of map to help with navigation.  The people looking for the lost Malaysian plane, Flight 370, are probably using this in their search.

Eric chose an Alaska White Ale
to go with his grilled Haddock

This was the first time we've eaten Haddock.  We loved it!

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