Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center at Cape Disappointment

After reading Stephen Ambrose's
Undaunted Courage, I just had
to visit the Lewis & Clark
Interpretive Center.

The United States had just 15 states
when the Corps of Discovery left Camp
under the command of Captains

Lewis & Clark were explorers &
soldiers who gave their all to
complete President  Jefferson's
orders to find a passage to the
Pacific Ocean,to document the
trip & collect samples for
scientific research.

The Corps of Discovery crossed
many different terrains....

The Corps crossed the treacherous,
snowy Bitterroot Mountains
in September, 1805.

Meriwether Lewis drew
detailed maps of each
leg of the expedition.

The members of the Corps
of Discovery made dug out
canoes for the trip down
the Columbia River.

Replicas of sample cases used
by the Corps of Discovery
to document & share 
newly discovered plants.

Eric sights in on "game"
the Corps of Discovery
hunted while crossing
the country.

The Corps of Discovery stopped
at Station Camp on the north shore
of the Columbia River from

The trip from Camp Dubois, north of Saint Louis, Missouri to the Pacific Ocean took two years, four months and ten days.

Each member of the Corps of Discovery, including Shoshone interpreter, Sacagawea, and York, William Clark's slave, voted on the site for the winter camp.  Fort Clatsop, on the south side of the Columbia River was chosen for the encampment.  The time was used to repair clothing, shoes, add to food stocks and getting much needed rest for the return trip to Saint Louis, Missouri.  

 The Corps of Discovery left Fort Clatsop on March 23, 1806 and returned to Saint Louis six months later on September 23, 1806.

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