Saturday, April 26, 2014

Our Drive to Cape Flattery, Washington

I shouted, "waterfall," and Eric stopped the car at a pull out on  Route 113.

The stream spills over rocks
& downed trees.

It drops over a ledge.

Creating this waterfall.

A picture of a beautiful,
blue sky.

A shot of Clallan Bay

the bra wearing fish
with legs


Camping water side 

This fish sports
swim trunks.

We are driving along the Whale Trail.

This is one of the windiest
roads we've ever been on.

This housing has an amazing
rock formation in its yard.

Birds sun themselves on
off shore rocks.

Most are Harlequin Ducks

Makah Indians welcome
visitors to Neah Bay

Makah Village Center
in Neah Bay

Seals sun themselves
on piers.

The Makah Tribal
Senior Center

Next stop, 

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