Thursday, April 10, 2014

Continuing on US Route 101 North to Long Beach, Washington

US Route 101 runs through
the countryside.

Past photogenic

One of many RV parks
along US Route 101

The hex symbol on this
barn looks like a quilt. 

The cutest little RV

We pull in at a vista point.
 Our view

The road continues to
hug the shoreline.

Before turning
inland again.

Watch for bikes
in the tunnel.

Another vista point.

 is called "Terrible Tilly" because
 of the winds & waves that
constantly pound it.

Looking south we see
Falcon Point &
Jockey Cap Rock.

We approach the bridge across
the Columbia River at Astoria.

Washington welcomes us.

We are spending a week at

Eric puts up our flag
when we set up
for our stay.

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