Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Richard M. Nixon Museum and Presidential Library in Yorba Linda, California

A fountain graces the front
 of the Richard M. Nixon
  Presidential Library & Museum.

Eric at the Presidential
Museum & Library

Eric stands at the top of

Richard M. Nixon ran for
Congress in 1946.

In 1948, he was a lead committee person in the investigation of accused Soviet spy, Alger Hiss.  Nixon ran as Dwight D. Eisenhower's Vice Presidential running mate in 1952.


During his eight years, Vice
President Nixon traveled the world
 & honed his foreign policy skills.

Nominated to run by the
Republicans in 1960, Nixon
ran against John F. Kennedy.

The 1960 Presidential results...

States carried by Nixon are
 are shown in blue. 
States carried by Kennedy
 are shown in pink. 

Richard M. Nixon had an
unsuccessful run for
California Governor
in 1962.

in 1968 & won becoming
our 37th President.

The 1968 campaign

School desegregation was a hot button issue in the late 1960s.  President Nixon pushed a program of locally determined school desegregation.  Starting in Mississippi, biracial committees were set up to plan and implement school desegregation.

President Nixon sent dozens of environmental proposals to Congress including the Clean Air Act of 1970. In 1972, the Clean Water Act was passed.  It was designed to check the unregulated discharge of pollution into the country's waterways.

They are leaders who have made a difference.  Not because they wanted it, but because they willed it." Richard M. Nixon

Leaders who shaped the world
from World War II through
the 1970s.
President Nixon chose Chinese Premier Cho En-laiChinese Chairman Mao Tse-tung, Soviet Premiers Leonid Brezhnev, & Nikita Khrushchev, Egyptian President Anwar el-Sadat, Israeli Prime Minister, Golda Meir, British Prime Minister Winston Chuchill,  French President Charles de Gaulle... 

Japanese Prime Minister

I lean in to find out what
Churchill, De Gaulle &
 West German Chancellor Konrad
Adenauer are discussing.

President Nixon's 
Presidential limo

Fun fact:  It weighs
11,000 pounds

Eric points to 1972 Nixon
that he had in his teens.

Eric visited the Schenectady NY Nixon and McGovern Headquarters.  He decided to volunteer for the Nixon  campaign because the girls were prettier.


President Nixon received many gifts
from the American people.

Mrs. A. Campanile gave the President
this doll dressed in the traditional
Polish costume.

The picture of President Nixon

meeting with Elvis Presley is the
most requested photo from his
time in office.

Elvis Presley gave the President a
photo of him with Priscilla &
daughter, Marie along with a
Colt .45 in this display case.

President Nixon is the only US President to resign from office.  Investigations revealed that he participated in the Watergate Cover-Up by ordering the FBI investigation to halt its into the Watergate burglary on June 17, 1972.  President Nixon also authorized the payment of hush money to convicted Watergate burglars.  Facing impeachment, he announced on August 8, 1974 that he would resign on noon the following day.  

President Nixon's home,
Casa Pacifica, is known as
the Western White House.

This is President Nixon's
at Casa Pacifica.


The Formal California

First Lady Patricia Nixon &
President Nixon's graves

President Nixon's

Fun fact:  It is
970 square feet.

that the President returned home 
on after resigning from office 

Fun fact:  This helicopter weighs
11,000 pounds.

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