Monday, February 24, 2014

The Borax Museum at the Ranch at Furnace Creek in Death Valley National Park

Eric & I were so happy to see
is open evenings.

The Borax Museum preserves
the history of borax mining
in Death Valley.

Rock samples are
cataloged here.

Photos & paperwork
from borax companies.

Artifacts from the Timbisha
Shoshone who live in
Death Valley

Photos & artifacts from
borax mining.

Machinery for mining
borax are on exhibit
behind the museum.

Small gauge trains moved
borax out of Death Valley.

I was fascinated by the solid
wooden wheels on this wagon.

 The J.D. Adams & Company
used for excavation.

Eric and I remember Death Valley Days sponsored by Twenty Mule Team Borax.  My mother used cleaners with borax when I was a child.  Now I know what it looks like and the work that went into mining it.

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