Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Long, Long Drive to the Racetrack in Death Valley National Park

We have to drive 27 miles
to get to The Racetrack.

We drive along until...

the road becomes
veeerrrry bumpy 

The road has PRONOUNCED
wash boarding.

The mountains float
in the distance.

A road grater waits
at the side of the road.

Finally, the terrain changes.

We walk onto the playa.

A sign asks visitors to stay
off the playa when it's wet.

Now I know why, 
 The bedrock rising above the playa is The Grandstand.

One of the mysterious moving
rocks with the depression
behind it indicating movement.

No one has seen the rocks
move across the surface.

One theory explaining rock movement on The Racetrack includes water, ice  and wind.  It is believed that rain water freezes, making a thin coating of ice on the playa and wind moves the rocks across the ice.  This theory works for me.

We drive back 27 miles
very bumpy miles
to paved roads.

Eric & I are treated to a
glorious sunset.

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