Friday, February 28, 2014

Escapees Pair A Dice Co-Op in Pahrump, Nevada

We are staying at the Escapees 
Pair A Dice Co-Op in
Pahrump, Nevada for a
few days.

Escapee members can buy memberships here entitling them to purchase a lot when one becomes available. The membership and lot can be sold back to the Co-Op.  Many members have been here for years.  There's a waiting list for interested Escapees.

The Office

Park announcements
are posted here.

One of the park's
small gardens 

Each casita is shared by
the adjoining neighbor.

This is my favorite
front yard.

I told the neighbor on the
right, Ron, that he's done
a great job.

I found a friendly alien
one morning.

The largest park is
Gazebo Island.

Pair A Dice Co-Op has a
grease pit for members to use.

There is a fee for disposal
of old oil.

A large grill stands adjacent
to the Club House.

An artist was commissioned
to paint accents on the walls.

The lounge has several pieces
of exercise equipment.

There are plenty of tables &
chairs for events.

Adjacent, there are pool tables.

Any type of meal can be
prepared in this
spacious kitchen.

I spent time in the laundry room.

The artist "dressed up"
the laundry room. 

I was amazed to see ironing
boards and an iron here.

This is our third Esscapees Co-Op Park we've visited.  Each park is laid out differently.  There are different amenities.  Each one has been very impressive.

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