Saturday, February 22, 2014

Our First Day in Death Valley National Park

Our first day in
Death Valley National Park

Purchase park passes
at a kiosk.

Bicycles are common
in the park.

Later this year, Zabriskie Point will be closed for renovation of the visitor's viewing area.  

It's 62 degrees at the
Furnace Creek Visitor Center.

We descend to sea level.

The salty lake bed that runs
most of the length of Death Valley.

There's an amazing variety
of rock formations here.

Next stop:
Salt Creek Trail

A boardwalk has been
built along the creek bed.

Upstream there is deeper
water, where pupfish live.

There are at least ten varieties of pupfish.  Each variety has adapted to live in the conditions of diverse water sources.  The pupfish that live in Death Valley evolved to thrive in a salty environment.


Our shadows as we
walk back to the Jeep.

Eric drives back to our
motorhome & we enjoy
our second sunset in
Death Valley.

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