Monday, February 10, 2014

Driving the Cucamonga Big Tree Trail near Lytle Creek, California in our Jeep

We start out on a
paved road.

It quickly turns into a
sandy trai.

Soaptree Yucca cling
to the rock face of
the mountain.

The GPS shows the upcoming
hairpin turns.

A puddle from the rain
two days ago.
The trail on the left is where we've come from.
The trail on the right is where we're going.

We arrive at a meadow

Just in time to watch a deer
cross the grass.

The trees are labeled because
they are left felled for
wildlife habitats.

There's been a tree
die off in this area.

We look out across the
tops of clouds.

We are at 6, 031 feet.

Snow clings to the north
side of the mountain.

A little farther up the mountain,
we find snow on the trail.

The locked gate stops
our drive.

The trail beyond the gate is
 more narrow.

Eric will turn the Jeep around
& drive back down
the mountain.

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