Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Driving the Echo Canyon Trail in Death Valley National Park

Today we drive Echo
Canyon Trail.

This trail is rated for high
 clearance vehicles for
the first three miles.

We drive past craggy

We turn off the trail to
explore Inyo Mine.

Gold was found here in 1905.

This site is well preserved.

Equipment is staggered
down the mountainside.

Work started and stopped at Inyo Mine several times from 1907 through the 1930s.  The mine changed hands a number of times before closing in 1940.

The road gets rougher...
4 Wheel Drive Vehicles
with short wheel bases
are recommended.

The rocks beneath the tires
slide around as Eric tries
to drive up this incline.

With a running start, Eric tries
the incline again.... No luck.

We could get out & stack
 rocks to make the slope
 more gradual, but we don't.

It's time to turn around and head back toward pavement.

The Eye of the Needle
looms above the trail.

Ahead lies Death Valley's

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