Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Abandoned Clara Consolidated Mining Camp Is Out in the Middle of Nowhere

There are no direct roads to the abandoned Clara Consolidated Mining Camp at Swansea.  It's 70 miles from Lake Havasu City, 64.8 miles from Quartzsite.

We finally turn onto the
road to Swansea...
Just 17 miles to go.

The road gets narrow
& windy. 

We look down into the
valley & see the abandoned
mining camp.

This is all that remains of the
Clara Consolidated Offices,
circa 1909. 

The remains of the
miners' Rec Hall.

The remains of the
General Store.

The miners' cottages
circa 1917

I think people scavenged
what they could.

This water heater has a sign
on it stating that Swansea is
an archaeological site.

The building surrounded by
a metal fence intrigues me.

This is all that remains
of the smelter.

The Swansea Mine produced copper until the 1920s.  The cost to produce one pound of copper was 15 cents.  Copper sold at 12 cents a pound, making this an unprofitable operation.

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