Thursday, January 2, 2014

Montezuma Castle National Monument Visitors Center Near Camp Verde, Arizona

Montezuma Castle is one of the
first National Monuments in
our country.

The Visitors Center

Montezuma Castle National
Monument celebrated its
Centennial in 2006.

On December 8, 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt celebrated the passage of the Antiquities Act by proclaiming four sites of historical and cultural significance as our nations's first National  Monuments. Montezuma Castle was one of these and is preserved for visitors to learn about some of the earliest developments by man in the United States.

 Southern Sinagua farmers built the
 castle near Beaver Creek.

Beaver Creek provided reliable
water for the fertile grounds
in the vicinity.

Early American settlers found
 the castle & misidentified
 it as Aztec.

They named it Montezuma

Books on local history are
for sale with souvenirs.

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