Friday, January 24, 2014

Eric Adds Water to Our Motorhome

Eric and I have been camping for two weeks without any hookups.  The sixty gallon grey and
black water tanks are reading 50%.  Our 100 gallon fresh water tank reads 40%.  Eric buys seven gallons of water at RV Pit Stop and pumps it into the motorhome with a small electric motor.

This electric motor is hooked
to one of our batteries to
pump water into the motorhome.

One end of intake the hose goes goes
from the water jug to the motor.

A second (out-take) hose
 is connected at the motor
to the motorhome.

Eric backs the Jeep up to the
motorhome so he can use
the shortest hoses for
this process.

We are using between five and six gallons of water a day.   The seven gall on jug Eric fills keeps us "afloat."

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