Monday, December 30, 2013

Our Drive Through Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument

Here's the sign for Sunset

This area had active volcanoes around 1,000 AD.  The earth's crust to the north (Colorado)  has a very thick and the earth's crust to the south and west (Arizona) has a very thin. Where the earth's crust transitions, heat from the mantle rises and melting occurs.  The resulting lava fields, cinder fields and volcanic crater tell the story of violent change.

Part of the Bonito

A cyclist enjoying a ride
on a cool day.

The view from the 
Cinder Hills Overlook
shows fissure where 
most recent volcanic
activity occurred. 

The Sunset Crater is
 obscured by snow.

We stop for lunch. 

Eric turns onto an
unpaved road.

We drive past acres of
black cinder. 

Someone's living way
out here.

We return to pavement.

What's next?

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