Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Off Roading on Laguna Ridge Trail in Near Yuma, Arizona

The Laguna Ridge Trail
follows the ridge line.

This trail is just wide enough
for one vehicle with no
room to pass....

this trail as moderate.

It's desolate here.

We think that these are
shooting stands.

It's a long way down...

We drive past a
Buckeye Steam Shovel.

I hope we don't have to
back up for anyone.

I'm getting nervous.  The trail is narrow and I can't see ahead as far as I'd like.  Eric's doing a great job driving and he tells me we're on the right course.  (I love the GPS coordinates at the way points.)

Eric pulls to the right as much
as he can for the mountain
biker to pass.

The green fields of Yuma are
in the distance.

Eric slows for this curve.

A trailer is camped
by the canal.

After we cross the canal,
Eric turns on to pavement.

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