Sunday, December 8, 2013

Heading to Boquillas del Carmen, Mexico

Eric drives us to the
Boquillas Border Crossing.

 Michelle, explains the rules for
 crossing into Mexico & what we
 are allowed to bring back with us.

We get into a canoe and are rowed across the Rio Grande River.  

Victor sings a welcoming song 
as we near the Mexican side 
of the river. 

Boquillas is three quarters of a mile from the river.  We can walk to the village, ride in a truck or ride into town on burros or horses.

This is the burro I
will ride.

Jose is our guide.

It's an easy ride into

Eric's self portrait
on horseback.

Eric & Jose, the Mexican
Border Control Agent, talk
about bass fishing while he
fills out our paperwork.

Mexican Border Control

Our passports are stamped and we have documentation from Immigration.  Now we can visit Boquillas del Carmen.

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