Friday, December 6, 2013

Driving River Road in Big Bend National Park

Today we are driving the east
end of River Road.

River Road is 51 miles long.  The east end of the road is easiest to drive.

Outcrops with sparse

give way to a lush

And then, the geography
changes again.

Driving, and riding on these primitive roads is not for the "brittle boned."  There is a LOT of bouncing and jouncing around.  I'm grateful for my seat belt and think about the bone jarring rides people experienced on buckboard wagons all those years ago.  

The color of the sand
changes & the vegetation
is spaced very far apart.

This clay hill has exposed
veins of calcite that look
like ropes.

Several farms were
located off this road.

Farming in this arid terrain
is very difficult.

The farms were abandoned
decades ago.

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