Thursday, December 19, 2013

Driving the Chimney Rock Trail Near Tuscon, Arizona

Chimney Rock Trail is in The Guide to Arizona Backroads & 4-Wheel Drive Trails by Charles A. Wells and Matt Peterson that Eric bought in preparation of our time spent in Arizona.

Chimney Rock Trail, according to the book, starts out moderate (Rutted dirt or rocky road.  Careful tire placement may be necessary.  The description goes on...)  and then gets easy (Gravel, dirt, sand or mildly rocky road...).   We start our drive at 1:40 pm.

The first hundred yards is a
lot like Redington Road.

Someone parked a camper
back here.

This area is a mud pit,
when wet.

I open and close gates as we pass through different sections of the trail.

This rocky road brings us
into a tree covered area.

We rumble down the

There are tire tracks

Where's the trail?

The description of this trail includes GPS coordinates for the next way point.  I read the GPS coordinates to Eric, who inputs them into the GPS in the Jeep.  Suddenly, we are on the right trail, away from Chimney Rock.

We are now headed 
down the mountain.

The trail is narrow, but
Eric is confident.

We find solar panels
in the middle of

This is the last gate that I
will open & close.

It's also the one with
all the signs...

We are back on an
unpaved road at
4:14 pm.

A truck speeding down the
mountain leaves a
trail of dust.

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