Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Amistad Dam in Texas & Mexico

My former coworker,
Sue Black, recommended
a visit to the Amistad Dam
after reading one of my
Facebook posts.

We stopped at the Amistad National Recreation Area Visitors Center and after reading the Amistad Dam brochure, realized that we needed pass ports to visit the dam.  Yes, we had our pass ports with us. Who wouldn't carry them, being just minutes from the US/Mexican Border.

I am standing in Mexico.

Eric points to September 8, 1969,
the date the dam was dedicated -
on his 12th birthday.

This picture is taken from the
Mexican side of the dam.

The Rio Grande River
takes overflow from the
Amistad Reservoir.


The water level is low
& the spillway is dry.

The Amistad Dam was built in response to frequent droughts and numerous floods.  The worst occurred in 1954 after Hurricane Alice made landfall and more than 300 Del Rio residents lost their lives.

Eric looks at the electrical
power plant on the 
Mexican side.

It's about 50 degrees & windy.

We see a single boat in this
section of the reservoir.

It's time to drive back into

We wait our turn at
 the border crossing.

 waves us forward.

We show our pass ports and they are carefully inspected.  After a brief chat with the US Customs Border Agent, we are waved through to continue our trip.  

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