Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Texas W State Rally in Mineola, Texas: Part Two

Friday was the official start of the Texas W Rally.  After the Grand Opening, there were workshops to attend and games to play.

Eric and I went to an RV Electronics Workshop.  Every time I go to an Electronics Workshop, I come away with clearer concepts on volts, amps.  I do understand inverting 12 volts to AC.  We do that regularly.  While I shopped at the vendors area, Eric played his first game of Joker.

Friday night's Pot Luck Dinner was followed by a performance by Strange Visitor.

The Monster Mash

A lonely old woman sits &
spins, wishing for company 

A pair of feet come in,
then legs, followed by a torso,
arms, the neck & head.

Be careful what you wish for!

We applaud the troupe
of actors.

Door prize winners were drawn.  My, they have a lot of door prizes for campers.

Saturday morning's
Texas W Meeting

New officers are sworn in

Campers chose their favorite games: Washer Toss, Dominoes, Joker, Bean Bag Baseball, Skip Bo and Wii Bowling.

Eric & I played Bean Bag
Baseball, indoors.

Afternoon games were followed
by an Ice Cream Social sponsored
 by Farm & City Insurance Services.

We gathered, in costume,
for dinner.

My favorite costume of
the evening.

More Door Prize winners were drawn.  Each RV received a Meredith Civic Center Mug. Thank you for the hospitality!

Proceeds from the Silent Auction, Money Mummy and Candy Jar Guesses totaled $1,309.00.  The funds raised go to The Wounded Warrior Project.

Eric & Carmen Miranda

her MCD discount door prize
for the travel thermos & cups
we received.

We have an appointment with
MCD on Monday for window shade 
installation & will receive a
discount on the parts.

Thank you, Marty!

sang hits from the '50s,
'60s & '70s.

Everybody, get up
& dance!

Snow White dances with
her favorite Dwarf.

We thanked the Meredith Civic Center Manager and staff for the wonderful service they provided us throughout the rally.

The rally ends Sunday morning.

Members are packing up &
saying goodbye.

Eric and I enjoyed Texas hospitality and made new friends.  We know we are always welcome at Texas W rallies.

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