Friday, October 4, 2013

The 53rd Annual Stockade Walkabout: The Edward Ellis Mansion in Schenectady, New York

The Edward Ellis Mansion
was built in 1885.

The woodwork here
is so beautiful!

The fireplace is center
piece of the first floor.

The staircase to
the second floor

The piano was often part
of evening entertainment.

I imagine ladies, in gowns, sitting
 here waiting for their carriages.

The coaches pulled up under
this roof so passengers could
enter & leave the house without
getting wet or snowy.

The Ellis family's legacy continues in Schenectady.  Edward's father, John, founded Schenectady Locomotive Works.  It operated throughout the Civil War, supplying locomotives for the federal government.  In 1901 Schenectady Locomotive Works and seven other companies merged to become American Locomotive Company.  Edward's brother, Charles, provided funding to establish Ellis Hospital in memory of his father, John Ellis.

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