Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The 53rd Annual Stockade Walkabout in Schenectady, New York

The weather was perfect for the

Number 1 Union Street is the
Isaac J. Yates Tenant House.

Captain Johannes Glen
greets visitors to the
Tenant House.

The Stockade Inn at 1 N. Church St.
was originally the Mohawk Bank.

After serving as a school, it became

In 2003, it was converted to a
restaurant & inn.

First Reformed Church at Union
& Church Streets is the oldest
organized church in Schenectady.

It was founded by settlers in 1680.

He was spotted at the
Giles van der Bogart House
at 111 Union Street.

The Jemmie Boyd/Isaac DeGraff
 House at 14 N. Ferry Street
was constructed around 1795.

Adam chats with
Symon Schermerhorn.

Arthur's Food Market was
built around 1795.

A plaque states that it was
the Old Public Market.

at 12 S. Church Street is
housed in the former Masonic 

at 8 S. Church Street

The Edward Ellis Mansion
at 215 Union Street

The David B. Engleman House
at 232 Union Street now
houses Studio 232. 

237 Union Street opened in 1947
by Marvin Friedman became a
stop on the national jazz scene.

It's been a lot of fun touring these homes and businesses.  Thank you, Adam, for telling me about the Stockade Walkabout!

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