Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pre Cooked Bacon, a Staple for RVers

There some foods that I don't cook often in the motorhome.  Bacon is at the top of the list.   One reason for this is the inevitability of some grease will splatter.  I am also not a fan of lingering cooking odors in a small space. Lastly, collecting the grease and disposing it are extra steps I prefer to skip.

Our bacon-less meals are a thing of the past since Eric started bringing home Fully Cooked Bacon. This smoked bacon can sit on a shelf until it's opened for a meal.  Then, it needs to be refrigerated.  If we want hot bacon, we microwave each slice for about 5 seconds.

There's less prep time for meals that include bacon.  No greasy clean up and no grease disposal issues. A big win for all RVers.... weekend warriors, snow-birders and full timers.

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