Friday, September 27, 2013

The Dogs of Detroit

My interest in Detroit continues.  It's like pulling a thread and watching a sweater unravel...

First it was the people.  Since the 1950s, 62 percent of the population of Detroit moved to other cities and towns. Homes were abandoned.  When people left Detroit, did they take everything with them?  No.  Pets were left behind.

An article in the Windsor Star alerted me to the problem of abandoned dogs in Detroit.

Abandoned dogs
run in packs.

They kill small pets &
have attacked people.

Detroit's Animal Control staff
has been cut, while the
number of abandoned
dogs has risen.

Many of these dogs haven't
been spayed or neutered,
leading to more & more
homeless dogs on the streets.

50,000 homeless dogs are
overwhelming the agencies
that care for & find homes
 for them.

Abandoned homes, businesses
& dogs....

When a city suffers, pets
suffer too.

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