Monday, September 23, 2013

Follow Up Orthopedic Visit with Dr. Maxian at Schenectady Regional Orthopedic

Today I have an appointment to see Dr. Tina Maxian for an Orthopedic follow up appointment.  She is listed as a participating physician on Eric's health insurance web site.  I checked the New York State Physician Profile Database for information on Dr. Maxian's education, board certifications and professional organization memberships.

Schenectady City Hall's
reflection.... a great start
to the morning.

has grown tremendously...

It now takes up the better part
of a city block in downtown

I am so tired of this

Time to "disrobe" for
the doctor.

I brought medical information with me from Regions Hospital in Saint Paul, Minnesota, follow up appointments in Saint Paul and Mishawaka, Indiana and Physical Therapy appointments in Rockford, Illinois and Schenectady.  After x-rays, Eric and I waited for Dr. Maxian.

Great news!  The bones in my ankle are healed.  I can drive clutch (our Jeep), when I have a normal walking gait.  Bring on the PT!

Ooh, this air cast is invisible
under my slacks.

Eric asked if Dr. Richards was
working when we arrived.

This is our lucky day!
Dr. Richards did amazing work
on Eric's right leg 33 years ago.

This brief reunion means so
 much to Eric & me.

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