Thursday, September 5, 2013

Assembling Goody Bags for an Escapees RV Rally

Eric and I are members of  Escapees RV Club, New York State Chapter 41.  We are hosting the upcoming rally on September 13 to 15 at Royal Mountain Campsite near Johnstown, New York.  Every rally has goody bags with the rally schedule and the tourist information for the surrounding area.

Eric took a ride to find tourism fliers and if we are lucky, some goody bags.  He met Eunie at the Fulton County Visitors Center.  Johnstown is in Fulton County and Eunie was happy to show off what this county has to offer.  She took care of all of our tourism needs for the rally, including goody bags.

I love the goody bag!

Cute post card!

I am amazed by all the
tourism brochures for
Fulton County.

Time to get to work
filling the bags...

Thank you, Eunie, for providing rally goers a wide assortment of activities to choose from while they are at the Escapees Rally.  I'm hoping they return to explore all of Fulton County.

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